Dental Sealants
by Laura,
“I brushed my teeth!” Something that parents hear all the time but why might your child still be getting cavities on those back teeth? Everyone’s tooth anatomy is different. Some people have deeper, larger grooves in their teeth allowing bacteria to get stuck, which could result in a cavity. Here at The Tooth Doctors we offer dental sealants. Sealants help protect those back teeth against cavities!

What Are Dental Sealants?
Sealants are generally preformed on children whose first molars have erupted and have deeper grooves making them more susceptible to decay. According to CDC sealants have been proven to reduce decay by nearly 80% in molars. A sealant is a thin, plastic like material that is placed in the pits and grooves of those molars.
Why are they placed on teeth?
The chewing surface of the back teeth sometimes have grooves are so deep even a single bristle of your toothbrush isn’t able to fit, making them more susceptible to decay. The sealant will fill in these areas stopping the bacteria from getting in.
How are dental sealants placed, and what do they look like?
This is a very quick and painless process. Either the dentist or dental hygienist will begin by cleaning out those grooves. It is very important to keep the teeth dry during this process, acid etch is placed on the tooth’s surface for a few seconds then rinsed off and dried again. The acid etch temporarily roughs up your tooth’s surface, allowing a stronger bond for the sealant. Once this area is dry again the sealant material is placed into the grooves of your teeth and a special blue light is used to harden the sealant. Once the sealant is completed you may be able to see them if you open really wide! The sealant material is white in colour meaning you may see little white lines on top of your tooth.
How long do dental sealants last?
Sealants are able to last many years before they begin to break down. During your regular hygiene visits, your hygienist will check the condition of these sealants. If they feel that they need to be replaced then they will have that conversation with you.
If you think you or your child may be a good candidate for dental sealants, don’t be afraid to ask at your next visit. Your hygienist or dentist will be able to answer all your questions and help determine if sealants would be a good option for you or your child!