It’s back to school time! We want to take a moment to thank the un-hearalded hero’s - the parents! We see you and we want to know what a great job you did! You had a very difficult job, but somehow, we got through it. You are our HEROS!
New Beginnings
Since things seem to change like the weather lately, we’ve decided to change the way we do our monthly news. Instead of a blog post, for the time being, at least, we’ll be letting you know what’s going on in a newsletter.
Let us know what you think. We’d love your feedback
Hexed with Halitosis
Dentists have been noticing an increase of people having bad breath! WHY? Because people can smell their breath when they wear a mask!
What can you do about bad breath?
brush and floss everyday Make sure you brush your tongue and cheeks too.
avoid foods that give you bad breath or indigestion Did you know your bad breath can come from your stomach too?
chew mint leaves or sugar free gum
talk to Dr. Rob about your bite Your teeth alignment can be contributing to your bad breath too! Braces are for much more than just looks. Contact us to find out more.
Wearing Your PJs All Day Can Effect Your Teeth!
We have been seeing an increase in patients who’s oral hygiene practices went out with their wearing pants. We’ve found that wearing your PJ’s all day can make you forget to brush your teeth.
Often habits are tied together. If you usually get dressed and then brush your teeth you might forget the habit of brushing your teeth if you don’t get dressed, according to behavioural psychologists. The good news is, we can make this behaviour work in our favour, we can tie our habits we need to keep, like brushing our teeth to something else, like getting out of bed or eating breakfast. This will ensure we keep our teeth clean and healthy.
We love our follow friday’s because we get a chance to highlight what we love about our community!
Last month we featured:
Black Rose Beauty Lounge Why? Cassandra’s amazing pics of hair and hair colours have us swooning
Next Step Literacy Council Why? You may have noticed that we’ve participated in Next Step’s Spelling Bee for a number of years. This year it was cancelled because of COVID and this made us sad. They are such a worthy cause and are looking for volunteers.
Things going on around the office
We have the privilege of knowing these fine young men.
We are proud to say we know these boys because of their kind hearts and dedication to the game they love. These brothers are working together to raise funds for kids who don't have the funds to play hockey this year. They saw that so many were struggling this year and decided to do something about it. If you'd like to support them, here is the link -
We got some really cool clean air filters.
They have 3 filters that are able to keep our air clean and safe to breath. We love them! They mean that you can feel confident when you come to see us that our air will be clean.
We had a big plan to roll out a recycling initiative.
We purchased a box for collecting used tooth brushes and toothpaste tubes. This would mean that these plastics would not be dumped into our oceans. This will have to be post-poned as it’s not safe to be bringing in used toothbrushes into our office at the moment. We hope we can resume this initiative one day soon. Stay tuned for more updates on this and you can start to save those brushes at home if you like.
We are catching up We’ve had a back-log of patients because of the months we were closed however, we are starting to catch back up. We are giving our existing patients priority appointments so we can continue to catch up. If you are an existing patient, please do not hesitate to call us for an appointment. We really want to make sure you are well taken care of.
Happy September! Enjoy back to school!