January 10, 2013 by wong
I just want to take a moment to wish all of our patients and friends a warm welcome to 2013! My staff and I are quite excited for 2013 as we have a few projects on the go that will enhance our patient’s experience and allow us to provide even better care for your oral health!
The start of a new year always brings about resolutions and promises, whether it is to save money, eat better or exercise more; while these goals were made with the best of intentions, they tend to fall by the wayside a few weeks into the new year. From a dental perspective, minor changes in your home oral care regime can go a long way to improve your oral health and, subsequently, your overall general health. Some dental resolutions that can be implemented with minimal effort include:
Brushing at least twice a day
Flossing at least once a day
Visiting us at The Tooth Doctors or your dentist regularly, at least every 6 months
Quitting smoking
Many of the above dental resolutions only take a few minutes a day, but will impact your oral health substantially. While I realize quitting smoking is probably the most difficult on the above list, the impact and improvement on your overall health and dental health is quite immense. Remember, prevention is the key to a beautiful, healthy, lasting smile.
If you are in the area, feel free to drop into the office and say hello. My staff and I always enjoy seeing a friendly and familiar face! While there, feel free to try out our new coffee machine, the Starbucks Verismo, allowing you to enjoy Starbucks coffee in Alliston! Again, wishing you and your family all the best for 2013!
Dr. Rob